According to Eos Scientific, 50% of millennials prefer CBD oil over prescription drugs for mental health. Cannabidiol, which is a cannabinoid from the cannabis or marijuana plant, has been shown by research to hold some benefits for mental health. However, some even claim that hemp extract in excess can be detrimental for mental wellbeing.
While more research is needed to come to a solid conclusion, so far it can be said that CBD is showing great potential. Here are 4 ways it can improve mental health, as per research.
1 – It can reduce depressive symptoms
Depression is the biggest cause of disability globally, a mental health condition which is characterized by a loss of interest in things previously found enjoyable. A study published in 2014 found that cannabidiol can positively interact with serotonin in the brain and reduce depressive symptoms. Serotonin is a hormone which plays a role in impacting one’s emotional state.
One way to reduce depression is by keeping the markers of this hormone balanced. Another study, which was released in 2018, showed that CBD can work as a fast-acting anti-depressant with long-term effects by increasing BDNF signaling.
2 – It can decrease anxiety and panic attacks
As per the World Health Organization, 264 million people are affected by anxiety which refers to excessive worry and nervousness. Anxiety can be of many types from social anxiety disorder to post-traumatic stress disorder.
A study from 2010 found that CBD can help people who have social anxiety disorder. A 2017 report showed that cannabidiol can reduce panic attacks. A recent study published in January 2019 in The Permanente Journal found that cannabidiol may be beneficial when it comes to anxiety related disorders.
3 – It can help with Alzheimer’s and dementia
Recent research shows that cannabidiol can be of aid when it comes to reducing or eliminating the impact of oxygen buildup, inflammation, and decline of brain cells. By doing so, it can help with dementia-related conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and vascular dementia.
A study by the US National Institute of Health found that CBD can improve blood flow in the brain and help with vascular dementia. Moreover, researchers from the California’s Salk Institute found in their 2017 study that CBD can help with the removal of dementia from cells.
4 – It can help with autism and ADHD
A report by Remedy Review that was recently released found that parents gave CBD to their children who had autism spectrum disorder and noticed a reduction in symptoms such as impulsivity, aggression, hyperactivity, etc. While there is limited research on whether or not CBD can help with the treatment of ADHD, the claim is that it can show improvements.
A 2018 study published in the Neurology journal concluded that CBD improved the condition of 80% of the children who used it. It is said that cannabidiol can be of assistance when it comes to improving the behavior of children who have autism as per the testimonials given on Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism.